Archives for category: sew

I found Trash to Couture’s tutorial very useful- used it as a starting point and made a few adjustments myself.

This was a gift for my friend and fellow crafter Green Ladybag -enjoy! ^_^

???????????????????????????????????? DIY BackpackDIY Backpack

DIY Backpack DIY Backpack

My niece is a huge fan of Frozen and has been asking for Elsa’s dress for quite some time now. I decided to improvise and heres how it looks- she doesn’t want to wear her pajamas anymore now ^_^

I used a t-shirt on her size so she stays warm too, went on to sew some light blue fabric on it, and silver trimming for a more spectacular result. For the skirt, I also added some tulle and lining, and of course a rip as it is all about the details from the film. ( I know I skipped some steps in the pictures -promise to be better in the future!)

I turned the leftover tulle into a veil and added some silver trimming as well. Now she has been asking for Anna’s dress- oh well ^_^

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I find pillows to be one of the easiest things to do to change your home decoration, and one of the cheapest as well. I added zippers so I can also wash them easily (and change them as soon as I get bored of them, which will be soon I guess, I am not very strong minded ^_^ ). I found this tutorial on youtube to be very helpful: And voila the results! ^_^

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This was made as a gift a while back and I am happy to see my friend still wearing it! The lining was made from an old curtain’s scraps- it has been upcycled completely by now I think! My only regret is I did not place the magnetic snap before sewing the lining so now it shows- note to self for the future ^_^



Well the bigger size did not come up exactly as hoped for, but it serves its cause anyway. Tip: For the interfacing I used a hood filter, so it’s super soft and fluffy ^_^




This was made as a gift for an 11′ inch laptop.

Turned out cute for a first attempt!

handmade laptop case